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Saturday, February 6, 2016

The ART of Living ArtiFICIALLY

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A couple of days back, I read that the UK has given a go ahead for genetic modification of human embryos with some caveats attached, paving the way for what are being called "designer" babies. I wish this was around when I was in an embryonic stage for more than one reason. Now, have money, get a super child. Wouldn't that be great? Live out your own perfect dreams through your own perfect children. But, would that make your own life perfect I wonder? 

Keeping theological and ethical debates aside, would genetically modified babies give rise to an entirely new species? We may be the new apes for them I suppose. Just think of it, vastly superior in brain and brawn, what if that new species decided to treat the existing human race as we treat our own animal ancestors in labs. PETA may be replaced by PETH in a few decades then. 

Since enternity, as we know it, Man's evolution has been nurtured by His desire to perfect his world. The world He was born ito, imperfect. Despite most humans professing affinity to some form of religion, the race has systematically and gradually moved up the ladder to take over as much of  "God's" terrain, acting passively or destructively, whatever it takes to become one with the creator. Natural was never good enough for mankind. From creating artifical skins to endure unnatural weather to starting a fire to consume unnatural food Man has come a long way.  Synthetic food , artificially sculpted bodies (let your imagination run wild here), artificially incubated babies (test tube fertilization), artificial intelligence and genetic modification, all tick marked as achieved. The next race would be half man half machine, able to do many things imaginable but impossible today, and theoretically immortal with consciouness downloads to hard drives becoming possible. (Now, I may live long enough to see that happening and possibly download my consciousness other than through blogs). By the way every Hindu worth his "vedas" would vouch for the immortality bit. We are just catching up with our past and not the future if Hindu mythology is to be believed, and there is lesser reason not to. 

Human evolution has been possible because of its quest for understanding and truth, even if the latter is a big lie. Humanity has kept pushing every barrier in its way with each "new truth" leaving it with a million more questions to answer. Has it pushed its luck too far? No distance seems too far for mankind, and each of its giant step makes this world more and more artificial to counter the limited support that nature can offer. No this blog has not been written after a high dose of natural weed or any artificial substance abuse.  We may not like it, but we the lucky ones have reached a point where living artificially is the new natural and there is no real God to help us. 


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